RC P-40 (v2)

  • Wingspan: 1.5m
  • Takeoff weight: 2.5kg
  • Battery: 6S 2200 mAh
  • Aerodynamic masking tape over gaps to reduce drag :)
    Maiden flight
    Second flight






    Foamboard Gallery:

    What's currently on the workbench?

    Twin-EDF Draken

    (expected maiden flight in late December/early January)

    1m wingspan | 1.6m long | estimated final weight 2.2kg

    I started this summer of 2024, but ended up not having enough time to finish it since I had to go back to college. I very much did not want to rush the rest of the construction, because that never proved to end well. Expect a maiden flight around December of this year!

    With these foamboard planes, I very rarely have an exact plan on how to build it. Most of the time I bring up a blueprint of the airplane, and take very general dimensions so the final airframe has the right proportions. I work on the fly, kinda like how I write; it's just me, my pencil, and a box cutter (no laser cutting).

    More Photos:

    A rather unconventional thrust-tube setup to be sure...

    Past Builds: (in no particular order)

    Mig 21, version 1. Severely underpowered, but flew quite stable.
      Flight Video
      Mig 21, version 3. Reconstructed to be about 20% smaller, and flew much better. Due to its speed though, it ended up in a tree :(
        Flight Video
        A very simple glider trainer, with a 70mm EDF strapped to its back. One of the most fun airplanes I've flown!
          Flight Video
          An air-racer inspired Yak-11. It had some weird yaw instabilities...
            Flight Video
            A tiny Mig 15. There isn't a dedicated video of this since it crashed 5 seconds after launch (due to elevator failure), but I have a crash compilation with this featured in it (at 0:44).
              Featured Video
              Probably the biggest plane I've made at 1.75m, but it also flew like the biggest pig ever. Nothing much else to say...
                Flight Video